Category: Research
Using Creative Arts Therapies to Work with Trauma Developed from Experiences of Domestic Abuse
This book chapter introduces creative arts therapies as a way of working with complex trauma developed from experiences of domestic abuse. Ethical considerations when using creative methods when working with trauma are highlighted. The chapter follows Herman’s stages of working with trauma (1992), linking with Roddy’s (2014) counselling and psychotherapy model for domestic abuse counselling.…
New publication – Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS mental health services in the UK
Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS Mental Health Services in the UK: A feasibility study on patient and staff experiences of arts for the blues workshops delivered at Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. Download our most recent article which discusses a feasibility study undertaken with patients and staff in an IAPT (Improving Access…
Impact of Dance Movement Psychotherapy on the Wellbeing of Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Aithal S, Karkou V, Makris S, Karaminis T and Powell J (2021) Impact of Dance Movement Psychotherapy on the Wellbeing of Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Public Health. (IF 2.427).
Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression – pilot study
Haslam, S., Parsons, A.S., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Nair, K., Harlow, J., Lewis, J., Dubrow- Marshall, L., Thurston, S., Griffin, J., Karkou, V. (2019) Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression – pilot study. Perspectives in Public Health. Read the full article here.
Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression
Parsons, A. S., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Harlow, J., Haslam, S., Hobson, J., Nair, K., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Thurston, S. and Griffin, J. (2019). Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. Read the full article here.
Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy: the healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult members
Parsons, A., Turner, R., Ingleton, H., Kefalogianni, M., Dubrow- Marshall, L., Omylinska-Thurston, J.,Karkou, V., Thurston, S. (2020) Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy: The healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult-members. The Arts in Psychotherapy. Read the full article here.
Arts for the Blues: The development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression
Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Parsons, A.S., Nair, K., Haslam, S., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Lewis, J., Thurston, S. (2020). The development of Arts for the Blues – the new creative therapy for depression. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. (IF 0.50) Read the full article here.
Scaling up place-based arts initiatives that support mental health and wellbeing. Research-informed strategic commitments and recommendations using Arts for the Blues as a case example
Scaling up report with foreword from Dr Nils Fietje, WHO Arts and health: Karkou V, Omylinska-Thurston J, Thurston S. Clark B, Perris E. Kaehne A and Pearson M (2023) Scaling up place-based arts initiatives that support mental health and wellbeing Research-informed strategic commitments and recommendations using the Arts for the Blues as a case example.…
Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS Mental Health Services in the UK: A feasibility study on patient and staff experiences of Arts for the Blues workshops delivered at Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Karkou, V., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Parsons, A., Nair, K., Starkey, J., Haslam, S., Thurston, S., & Marshall, L. D. (2022). Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS Mental Health Services in the UK: A feasibility study on patient and staff experiences of arts for the blues workshops delivered at Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. Counselling…
The Importance of Psychological Flow in Creative, Embodied and Enactive Psychological Approach (Arts for the Blues)
Parsons, A. S., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Turner, R., Thurston, S., Starkey, J., Omylinska-Thurston, J., & Karkou, V. (2022). The Importance of Psychological Flow in a Creative, Embodied and Enactive Psychological Therapy Approach (Arts for the Blues). Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. Read the full article here.