Tag: research
An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Arts Therapies Interventions on Measures of Quality of Life and Wellbeing: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study in Primary Schools
Moula Z, Powell J and Karkou V (2020) An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Arts Therapies Interventions on Measures of Quality of Life and Wellbeing: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study in Primary Schools. Front. Psychol.11:586134. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.586134 Fully open access here.
Arts for the Blues in Berlin
The Arts for the Blues research team presented the project at the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO)’s annual meeting at the International Psychoanalytic University in Berlin 3-6 October. The theme of the gathering was Unveiling the Connections: Research in Psychodrama and Arts-based Approaches. The team featured in the ‘skills building’ thread of the programme, introducing…
Feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of school-based dance movement psychotherapy for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties
Moula Z, Powell J, Brocklehurst S and Karkou V (2022). Feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of school-based dance movement psychotherapy for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, Frontiers in Psychology. (IF 2.99) Read the full article.
Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression – pilot study
Haslam, S., Parsons, A.S., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Nair, K., Harlow, J., Lewis, J., Dubrow- Marshall, L., Thurston, S., Griffin, J., Karkou, V. (2019) Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression – pilot study. Perspectives in Public Health. Read the full article here.
Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression
Parsons, A. S., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Harlow, J., Haslam, S., Hobson, J., Nair, K., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Thurston, S. and Griffin, J. (2019). Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. Read the full article here.
Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy: the healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult members
Parsons, A., Turner, R., Ingleton, H., Kefalogianni, M., Dubrow- Marshall, L., Omylinska-Thurston, J.,Karkou, V., Thurston, S. (2020) Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy: The healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult-members. The Arts in Psychotherapy. Read the full article here.
Arts for the Blues: The development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression
Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Parsons, A.S., Nair, K., Haslam, S., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Lewis, J., Thurston, S. (2020). The development of Arts for the Blues – the new creative therapy for depression. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. (IF 0.50) Read the full article here.
Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS Mental Health Services in the UK: A feasibility study on patient and staff experiences of Arts for the Blues workshops delivered at Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Karkou, V., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Parsons, A., Nair, K., Starkey, J., Haslam, S., Thurston, S., & Marshall, L. D. (2022). Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS Mental Health Services in the UK: A feasibility study on patient and staff experiences of arts for the blues workshops delivered at Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. Counselling…
The Importance of Psychological Flow in Creative, Embodied and Enactive Psychological Approach (Arts for the Blues)
Parsons, A. S., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Turner, R., Thurston, S., Starkey, J., Omylinska-Thurston, J., & Karkou, V. (2022). The Importance of Psychological Flow in a Creative, Embodied and Enactive Psychological Therapy Approach (Arts for the Blues). Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. Read the full article here.