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IMEC International Meaning Conference
London, 12-14th July 2019 This Saturday, Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston and Prof Vicky Karkou are presenting…
Division of counselling psychology annual conference
Cardiff, July 2019 Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston, Dr Scott Thurston and Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall from the…
Journal article published
Arts for the blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression British Journal of…
BACP 2019 conference presentation
The Arts for the Blues team have been in Belfast this week presenting at the…
The Arts in Psychotherapy weekend event
Personal and professional flourishing for one’s self, clients, and communities- a weekend of workshops, reflections…
Video excerpts of the key ingredients
We are delighted to showcase our short videos which illustrate the eight key ingredients which…
Arts for the Blues training day
16 January 2021 This weekend we had such an inspiring day with a wonderful group…
Arts for the Blues adapted for postnatal depression
Tuesday 3rd November 19:00-21:00 UK time We invite you to join ENGAGE….conversations conceived across performance studies…
Arts for the Blues in Greece
4th January 2020, Thessaloniki This January, Vicky led an experimental workshop and seminar based on…
Research Announcements
Bringing creative psychotherapies to primary NHS Mental Health Services in the UK: A feasibility study on patient and staff experiences of Arts for the Blues workshops delivered at Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Karkou, V., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Parsons, A., Nair, K., Starkey, J., Haslam, S., Thurston, S., & Marshall, L. D. (2022). Bringing…
The Importance of Psychological Flow in Creative, Embodied and Enactive Psychological Approach (Arts for the Blues)
Parsons, A. S., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Turner, R., Thurston, S., Starkey, J., Omylinska-Thurston, J., & Karkou, V. (2022). The Importance of…