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Latest News
IMEC International Meaning Conference
London, 12-14th July 2019 This Saturday, Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston and Prof Vicky Karkou are presenting…
Division of counselling psychology annual conference
Cardiff, July 2019 Dr Joanna Omylinska-Thurston, Dr Scott Thurston and Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall from the…
Journal article published
Arts for the blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression British Journal of…
BACP 2019 conference presentation
The Arts for the Blues team have been in Belfast this week presenting at the…
The Arts in Psychotherapy weekend event
Personal and professional flourishing for one’s self, clients, and communities- a weekend of workshops, reflections…
Video excerpts of the key ingredients
We are delighted to showcase our short videos which illustrate the eight key ingredients which…
Together Un/Tethered, an Arts for the Blues immersive performance
Sneak a peak at our Arts Council-funded project, Together Un/Tethered. Participants and artists joined a…
Arts for the Blues training
As part of the scaling up project funded by UKRI AHRC, we are offering Arts…
Student training event
17th April 2021 (online) We spent a wonderful training day with counselling and psychotherapy students…
Research Announcements
Arts for the Blues – a new creative psychological therapy for depression
Parsons, A. S., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Harlow, J., Haslam, S., Hobson, J., Nair, K., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Thurston, S. and…
Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy: the healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult members
Parsons, A., Turner, R., Ingleton, H., Kefalogianni, M., Dubrow- Marshall, L., Omylinska-Thurston, J.,Karkou, V., Thurston, S. (2020) Flowing towards freedom…
Arts for the Blues: The development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression
Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Parsons, A.S., Nair, K., Haslam, S., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Lewis, J., Thurston, S. (2020). The development of…