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Latest News
Arts for the Blues and NICE consultation
The Arts for the Blues project has recently published an article ‘Arts for the Blues:…
Student training event
17th April 2021 (online) We spent a wonderful training day with counselling and psychotherapy students…
Arts for the Blues training day
16 January 2021 This weekend we had such an inspiring day with a wonderful group…
Release of new publication!
The Arts for the Blues team are delighted to announce their third publication which presents…
Arts for the Blues in Greece
4th January 2020, Thessaloniki This January, Vicky led an experimental workshop and seminar based on…
BADth annual conference 2019
British Association of Dramatherapists 6-8th September 2019, Chester The Arts for the Blues team presented…
BADth annual conference 2019
British Association of Dramatherapists 6-8th September 2019, Chester The Arts for the Blues team presented…
Creative therapies conference
25th October 2019, University of Salford Ailsa Parsons and Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall, both members of…
E-arts for covid blues: online workshop
ESRC Festival of Social Science Tuesday 10 November 2020 Covid-19 and lockdown have affected people…
Research Announcements
Arts for the Blues film
A film about the Arts for the Blues project was included as part of the Healing Arts Symposium hosted by…
Release of new publication!
The Arts for the Blues team are delighted to announce their third publication which presents the twelve session creative psychotherapy…